The Twelve Business Challenges of Christmas (Part Two)

Photo by Chris
Last week I shared part one of my thoughts on the twelve business challenges of Christmas. Your response was great: thank you. I’m sure many of you found it reassuring to know so many small business owners are experiencing similar challenges.
We’re getting closer and closer to the big day and though a lot of small businesses are excited about the celebrations ahead (me included!) it’s easy to feel as if your to do list will be never-ending.
Know the feeling? Go on, give yourself a few minutes of downtime to read through my Twelve Business Challenges of Christmas. If you missed part one, you can catch up here.
On the seventh day of Christmas… not having anyone to do an office Secret Santa with
At this time of year it’s easy to feel as if you’re missing out by not having colleagues. You may speak to friends and family members who’s workplaces are buzzing with festive spirit while you’re in your home office all alone. Of course, when you run a micro-business there’s no one to do a Secret Santa draw with!
On the eighth day of Christmas… having to balance increased social expectations
Christmas is often the time of year we receive the most invitations. Parties, get-togethers, performances, catch ups and dinners can quickly fill up your calendar leaving little time for anything else. This is a particular issue if you have young children off school for the holidays as the evening may be the only quiet time you get to catch up with work. It can be tough to say no to social expectations at Christmas, but you may need to turn down a few offers in order to stay on top of your business.
On the ninth day of Christmas… constant interruptions from delivery drivers
Buying online is an excellent way to reduce the pressure of Christmas shopping but it will mean your usually peaceful home office is subject to regular interruptions from incoming deliveries. This is annoying enough when the packages are your own… but anyone who works from home will know the added frustration of being summoned by the doorbell to take in packages for neighbours!
On the tenth day of Christmas… working at home surrounded by tasty Christmas goodies
Once the Christmas supermarket shop has been done and packed away, the temptation to raid the cupboards for goodies can be strong. If you do a desk-based job from home it can be easy to get into the habit of festive snacking while you work. The odd mince pie will feel like a real treat, but if the habit takes hold you may find excessive sugar starts to negatively affect your productivity.
On the eleventh day of Christmas… knowing when to give yourself time off
It’s easy to be extra hard on yourself when you’re the boss. I’ve spoken to countless small business owners who struggle with actually giving themselves time off. At this time of year you will need to grant permission for at least a little holiday. Some business owners find it helpful to turn things around and think about what they would expect from an employer: and then grant themselves those same benefits!
On the twelfth day of Christmas… re-adjusting to quiet time once it’s all over
The build up to Christmas can be massive. But once the presents have been opened, the food’s been eaten, your festive guests have gone home and the kids are back in school, you’ll need to re-adjust to the quiet time that’s left behind. A lot of people experience a wave of post-Christmas blues, but it can be even more of an adjustment if you’ve enjoyed a lot of social time over the holiday period when you usually spend the work day alone.
Have I missed your biggest Christmas challenges? Hop on over to the Green Shoots Coaching Facebook page to get involved in my informal Christmas ‘support group’ for small business owners.
And of course: Merry Christmas! I’d like to say a big thank you to all my clients, associates, coaching friends and blog readers for your support this year. Here’s to a fantastic end to 2015!
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